mardi 11 septembre 2007


Après le déjeuner, j'ai fait une promenade avec les filles sur le bord de la Rivière Assiniboine! Vraiment charmant comme endroit! HOP!
After breakfast, I went for a walk near the River Assiniboine with the girls. A real charming place! Indeed! HOP!

7 commentaires:

Joy Eliz a dit…

did you have carrot flavored coffee for breakfast? hee-hee!

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Waaaaaa! How did you guess!!!! Do you have psychic powers????

Anonymous a dit…

Were you walking or hopping? I'm confused.

Joy Eliz a dit…

Oh... Lapin... you already know;)

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Both, Anon! Both! :)

YOU HAVE, JOY!!!!!! COOOOOOL!!!!!! Could you make me win one zillion dollars? :)

Joy Eliz a dit…

2 zillion and then one will be for me:)

Lapin Poulain a dit…
