mercredi 19 septembre 2007

Esplanade Riel

31 Juillet 2006 dans l'après-midi...
July 31rst 2006 in the afternoon...

J'ai ensuite accompagné les filles sur l'Esplanade Riel, un pont piétonnier qui traverse vers St-Boniface. Pour visiter la cathédrale et voir des fantômes, qu'elles m'ont dit... :)

Then, I went on the Esplanade Riel with the girls. They wanted to show moi St-Boniface, and it's Cathedral... And as they told me, maybe see some ghosts! :)

2 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

Do they scare you little rabbit? The girls I mean :)

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Nope! I'm a Karate master. When they were not quiet enough... I hypnotized them with my KarateMasterLook! :) But don't tell them... *glurp*