mercredi 12 septembre 2007


J'ai rencontré des ours mignons... Mais pas Winnie. Il y en avait même un bleu.
I've met some cute bears... But not Winnie. And there was a blue one!

Pas très parlant, l'ours!
Not very talkative, the Bear!

6 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

They look stoned...

Lapin Poulain a dit…

They were on something strong....

Anonymous a dit…

Did you try hopping, then jumping up and down on one?

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Yes, I did! And they never reacted! They were...well... STONE! :)

Anonyme a dit…

GRRRRRRRRRRRR....I've come to eat you little Lapin Poulain!!!!!!

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Mwhahahhahahahaha! pfffffftttt!
*taking the karate position of the eagle killing a bear*