mercredi 11 juin 2008

Repos au Jardin Japonais
Rest in a Japanese Garden

Le 7 août 2006
August the 7th 2006

Après le dîner, nous sommes allés visiter le magnifique Jardin Japonais sur le site de l'Université. MP a pris de nombreuses photos de moi. Je suis si beau!

After Lunch, we went to see the beautiful Japanese Garden at UBC! MP took many pics of the beautiful moi!

15 commentaires:

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Thanks to 5 spams in one minute, I had to activate that stupid word verif....blah

Anonymous a dit…

You d9o look beautiful Lapin! No wonder the spams ran after you ;)

Lapin Poulain a dit…

OHHH! *blushing* Thanks my anonynouillette! :)

Anonyme a dit…

I did no such thing!

Are you a Totoro?

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Now I know who is the spammer! HOP!

G3T Films a dit…


Anonymous a dit…


Lapin Poulain a dit…

What g3t films!!! I have a fish head??? OOOHHH!!! YOU have a fish head.... I thought you were a paper ducky! :)))

Yes, Anon! This drunk paper ducky is a SPAMMER SPAMMER SPAMMER!!!!

Rita a dit…

This is an awesome blog, why haven't I seen it before?

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Errr.... Maybe becoz...errrr... hehehe....
You are welcome here anytime, Handmaiden! :)

Mademoiselle Princesse a dit…

Pffft..... It's just a blue plush rabbit....

Lapin Poulain a dit…

Pfffft..... You're not really cute when you're JEALOUS, Miss P....

Anonyme a dit…

Bravo lapin Poulain polyglotte!
Il te sera facile de déchiffer ce message!
This is not un spam...!

Caroline a dit…

Looks like I need to leave some Spam to join this party....


No... I can't do it... Spam tastes disgusting.... they used to feed us it in fried fritters at school... yuk yuk yuk

Oh and yes you are most handsome Lapin Poulain... most beautiful.

Lapin Poulain a dit…

C'est écrit: Lapin Poulain est le plus beau lapin du monde! C'est ça hein Tante Rita? :))))

Spam spam spam spam!!! Do you remember that sketch by the Mounty Pythons, Caroline? :) And YES spam is yuk! Super-yuk..... I wonder what they put in there.... I wonder if it's still available... Hheheheh.. Thanks for not spamming moi! :)
I am a wonderful blue Lapin, indeed my dear!