vendredi 4 juillet 2008


En 2006, j'ai visité le Quartier Chinois de Vancouver avec MP.
In 2006, I have visited Vancouver Chinaton with MP.

Je me suis fait un nouvel ami.
I made a new friend.

Moi Yin-Yang.... Mignon et moelleux versus dur et effrayant! =;)
Yin-Yang me... Cute and fluffy versus hard and frightening! =;)

Et j'ai visité le jardin du Dr Sun Yat-Sen.
And I have visited the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Park.

8 commentaires:

G3T Films a dit…

Hims didn't eats you? Him have good tastes!

Lapin Poulain a dit…

And him was moving really slooowly, G3T Films! :))))

Anonyme a dit…

Courageux Lapin!!! C'est pire que d'escalader l'Everest ça......!

Lapin Poulain a dit…

J'ai eu un tipeu d'aide, tante Rita! :))))

Anonymous a dit…

I'm scared f you now Lapin Poulain!

Lapin Poulain a dit…

I'm the most courageous plush rabbit of the World, Anon! And Miss Hélène was there to protect me... Mwhahahhahahahaha

Anonymous a dit…


Lapin Poulain a dit…

eek? Miss MP is not such a Monster, you know... Mwhahhhahaha! I'm such a funny rabbit!